に投稿 コメントを残す


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 ※音声はGoogle Chromeにて再生可能

 with 「状況」を表す

 with には「~と一緒に」から転じて「~がある、存在する」という【状況】を表す用法があります。
 文脈によって ① ~があるので(理由)、② ~があれば(条件)、 ③ ~があるけれども(逆接)・・・などのニュアンスで使われます。


With his mother’s permission, he went out.(①)

With a bit of luck, we’ll be home before dark.(②)

With all his faults, I still like him.(③)


 <with + A + B>の形もあります。with の後に2つの要素を続けて「AがBである状況で」 という意味を表します。B には ①形容詞、 ②動名詞、③前置詞句などが入ります。



Don’t speak with your mouth full!(①)

He always sleeps with the window open.(①)

I can’t study with all this noise going on.(②)

He was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.(③)


 with 「手段」を表す




He cut it with a knife.

I opened the door with my key.

They tied my legs with rope.

Mari bought herself a pair of fancy boots with her father’s credit card.

Dry your tears with love.

以下の例も、「~で、~を使って」という意味の with の仲間であると考えられます。

She started her speech with a quote from Shakespeare.

He entertained the kids with his magic tricks.

She welcomed us with warm hugs.

The speaker was greeted with thunderous applause.


 with 「関係」を表す

 with には「~について、~に対して」という何かとの【関係】を表す用法があります。


He has problems with his family.

It’s okay with me.

He has something to do with you.

What’s the matter with you?

I have a friendly relationship with him.

This anime is extremely popular with the middle-aged.

Could you tell me specifically what is wrong with the design of this product?




That’s coming up ( ) you know it.

 after behind with before


You can’t argue ( ) success.

 as for with to


Don’t put all your eggs ( ) one basket.

 for with in to



問1 before  問2 with  問3 in


That’s all. See you next time!


 the japan times alpha FRIDAY, MARCH 18,2022



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