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関係代名詞 what


 ※音声はGoogle Chromeにて再生可能

 関係代名詞 what は先行詞を使用しません。

 これは、先行詞となる the thing(s) が what に含まれているためです。

 関係代名詞 what は、いろいろなパターンの文章で使われます。

Practice makes perfect!



 関係代名詞 what を使った表現


I know what you mean.


The result was what I had expected.


I was not sure what it means.


What you don’t know can’t hurt you.


Practice what you preach.


What matters is the heart inside.


I decided to politely ignore what he was saying.


What’s important is to keep learning.


I’ve got to be sure to move forward with what I received from the deceased.


What seemed like an action that was too late turned out to be a spark for a new beginning.


With the how to study languages, what was fantasy 50 years ago has now become reality.


What is certain is that almost anyone visiting London for the first time will want to be photographed by the beautiful clock tower.


You’ll never know what’s inside my heart!


You are forever responsible for what you have tamed.


There’s a limit to what money can do.


Your future is what you carve out by yourself.


It is what it is.




問1.( ) you will hear everywhere is “awesome.”
(どこでも耳にする単語に “awesome” があります)

 That What When Who


問2.I like the feeling of finding a book ( ) really speaks to me.

 that what when who


問3.( ) work gets boring, I just take a look around.

 That What When Who



問1.What 問2.that 問3.When


 スピーキング ”瞬発力” クイズ80 横山カズ(IBCパブリッシング)
 the japantimes alpha February 3, 2023
 究極のイギリス英語リスニング Standard(アルク)
 Inspirational Proverbs and Sayings Rebecca Milner(IBCパブリッシング)
 ケイヘザリの Tea Time Talk(アルク)  



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